Easily Manage Office 2016 Add-ins on Your Surface

Easily Manage Office 2016 Add-ins

If you’ve been having problems with Office 2016 on your Surface, it could be due to add-ins installed by 3rd party software. In this article, I’m going to tell you what Office 2016 add-ins are and how you can easily manage them to keep your Microsoft Office applications running smoothly.

Manage Office 2016 Add-ins: What Are They?

Add-ins are little extensions to the Office 2016 applications that, usually, add some small functionality. For example, if you’re using BitDefender Internet Security as your anti-virus package, it inserts an Office add-in that’s intended to help eliminate email spam in Outlook. You will find that there are many add-ins, some of them even made by Microsoft itself.

Unfortunately, Office add-ins sometimes negatively impact system performance; they can conflict with each other and may even break things.

Manage Office 2016 Add-ins: OfficeIns

Managing these plug-ins (or add-ins) manually can be a pain because it usually means tracking down and editing a registry entry. Fortunately, you can download a piece of software called OfficeIns which makes it easy.

With OfficeIns, you can easily search and sort the installed plug-ins. You can also change their startup behaviour and even disable them with just a few clicks. While some add-ins give you a description of what they do, some don’t. In that case, you’ll want to Google the Prog.ID to see if it’s important or not.

I would recommend that you proceed with caution when removing any add-in that was created by Microsoft because it’s likely that it provides a functionality you need for things to work correctly.

If an add-in is not important and you don’t think you want/need it, you can disable it by right-clicking on it then changing the Start Mode to Disabled.

Easily Manage Office 2016 Add-ins Disable

Once you do that, start the appropriate Office 2016 application to make sure it’s working correctly. If it is, great!! If not, you might want to re-enable the add-in.

Now that you can easily manage your Office 2016 add-ins, you may find that your Surface runs better while using Microsoft Office.


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