Surface News Roundup – 4/18/15

Surface News Roundup - Title

Sorry it’s a bit late this week, was helping a friend with some house repairs yesterday and it took much longer than I expected….

Here’s a few stories that might be of interest to Surface users which popped up in the past week…

  • Surface Pro 4 Release Soon?
  • Bust Buy Trade In Deal on SP3
  • Surface 3 Pre-orders won’t arrive on May 5th


Surface News Roundup - SP4 Release

Surface News Roundup – 4/18/15: Surface Pro 4 Release Soon?

This one is permeating the news feeds for Surface tablets. Essentially, the RUMOR is that the Surface Pro 4 will be announced/released at the Build Conference on April 29th.

So, is it possible, yes. Is it likely? Who knows….

Source: Yibada

Surface News Roundup - Bestbuy

Surface News Roundup – 4/18/15: Best Buy Kicks Off New Trade-In Program?

Some people have been taking this story as evidence to bolster the RUMOR above…

Best Buy spun up a new tablet trade-in program that will earn you at least $200 towards a Surface Pro 3 if you turn in a working tablet (small print applies, of course).

The people hoping that SP4  is right around the corner are pointing to this as more evidence their RUMORS are accurate.

I guess we’ll see…

Source: ZDNET, IndustryLeaders


Surface News Roundup - Surface 3

Surface News Roundup – 4/18/15: Surface 3 Pre-Orders Won’t Arrive on May 5th

If you were hoping the Surface 3 you pre-ordered would show up on your door May 5th, you’re gonna be disappointed…

Turns out the Surface 3 pre-orders will SHIP on May 5th – so, it might take a few extra days to arrive, depending on where it’s shipping from, which shipping option you chose, etc…

On the plus side, it’ll be Cinco de Mayo; so, go have a Corona while you wait. Just don’t overdo it on the Tequila.


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